Spoc Details

  • Partnering since : Mar-2016
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Course Wise Course Name Present Gold Elite Silver Success Participation
1Introduction to Aerospace Engineering - Flight300021
2Design of fixed wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles200002
3Introduction to Rocket Propulsion100010
4Organic Farming for Sustainable Agricultural Production1804068
5Role of Craft and Technology in Interior - Architecture100010
7Industrial Biotechnology101000
8Biomedical nanotechnology601023
9WildLife Conservation1104232
10Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures100100
11Reinforced Concrete Road Bridges813301
12Fluid Mechanics100001
13Principles of Construction Management100001
14Project Planning & Control510013
15Integrated Waste Management for a Smart City26011285
16Wastewater Treatment and Recycling300021
17Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory101000
18GPS Surveying1080403866
19Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings600051
20Remote Sensing and GIS100001
21Global Navigation Satellite Systems and Applications101000
22Geomorphic Processes: Landforms and Landscapes802042
23Chemical Process Safety19000514
24Chemical Reaction Engineering-I100010
25Natural Gas Engineering502102
26Programming in C++200002
27An Introduction to Programming through C++404000
28Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python703004
29The Joy of Computing using Python14121001
30Problem Solving through Programming in C502012
31Introduction to Parallel Programming in Open MP100001
32Data Base Management System1208040
33Design and analysis of algorithms100100
34Introduction to Operating Systems300012
35Operating System Fundamentals 300012
36Introduction to Machine Learning100010
37Deep Learning100001
38Computer Vision100001
39Python for Data Science1620105242211
40Data Science for Engineers1204134
41Advanced Computer Architecture600033
42Blockchain Architecture Design and Use Cases100001
43Cloud Computing1108111
44Introduction to Internet of Things16104646348
45Social Networks400022
46Ethical Hacking591641434
47Software Engineering202000
48Software Project Management301110
49Software testing100010
50Hardware modeling using verilog100001
51Switching Circuits and Logic Design401021
52Demystifying Networking830403841
53Spatial Informatics200011
54Artificial Intelligence : Search Methods for Problem Solving100001
55Programming In Java300300
56Human Computer Interactions300003
57Bioinorganic Chemistry100100
58Ergonomics in Automotive Design201010
59Innovation by Design1201065
60Understanding Design100010
61Basic Electric Circuits500320
62Op-Amp Practical Applications: Design, Simulation and Implementation101000
63Sensors and Actuators700061
64Analog Communication200101
65Digital Circuits301200
66Digital Image Processing302100
67Pattern Recognition and Application100010
68DC Microgrid200200
69Introduction to Smart Grid300012
70Fundamentals of Electric Drives500005
71Electrical Machines100010
72Accreditation and Outcome based Learning 201100
73Introduction to Research201100
74Stress Management200011
75Sustainable and Affordable Sanitation Solutions For Small Towns: Policy, Planning and Practice1006040
76Biology for engineers and other non-biologists23010715
77Technical english for engineers100010
78Body Language: Key to Professional Success502021
79The Psychology of Language100010
80History of English Language and Literature100001
81Gender Justice and Workplace Security101000
82Patent Drafting for Beginners100010
83Introduction to R Software 101000
84Industrial Safety Engineering400031
85Fundamentals of manufacturing processes1001063
86Computer numerical control CNC of machine tools and processes500032
87Design Practice101000
88Work System Design301110
89Product Design using Value Engineering200011
90Principles of Metal Forming Technology109034232725
91Applied Thermodynamics for Engineers100010
92Steam Power Engineering100010
93Manufacturing of Composites1204143
94Smart Materials and Intelligent System Design200002
95Engineering Metrology202000
96Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence200002
97Selection of Nanomaterials for Energy Harvesting and Storage Application101000
99A short lecture series on contour integration in the complex plane201100
100Manufacturing Automation25050911
101Marketing Management-I101000
102Human Resource Development101000
103Performance and Reward management100100
104Corporate Social Responsibility101000
105Design Thinking - A Primer350144125
106Welding of Advanced High Strength Steels for Automotive Applications.100001
107Physics of Materials201010
108Nanotechnology, Science and Applications600006
109Fundamentals of electronic device fabrication6301004112
110Biomaterials for bone tissue engineering applications100001
111HSE Practices for Offshore and Petroleum Industries301110

